Lee un libro Global Warming (Global Issues) de Natalie Goldstein Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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Reseña del editor This title offers an objective look at the controversial topic of global warming. It is an undisputed fact that the Earth's climate is changing, and although the scientific community continues to debate the exact correlation between human activity and climatic change, there is now almost universal consensus that humankind directly impacts Earth's climate - an idea referred to as global warming. Scientists are continuously gathering data that hints at a bleak future. Despite ever-increasing technological advances, recent events such as Hurricane Katrina in the United States and Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar reveal how vulnerable humanity is to the weather. This is the reason many scientists advocate that countries take an active role in limiting the damages they cause, expanding the global warming movement from an environmental issue to a political and social one. ''Global Warming'' offers a clear, objective account of the science behind climate change, the potential harm that industrial economies cause to the environment, the international debates that have emerged, and the potential for mitigation. This new volume explores specific case studies, including the United States, Brazil, Australia, Germany, and China, analyzing the effects each country has had on the climate and the steps they are taking to ensure a sustainable future. Biografía del autor Natalie Goldstein is a freelance writer who has penned numerous books for the educational market, including Globalization and Free Trade for Facts On File and Checkmark Books, as well as textbooks and teachers' guides for middle schools and encyclopedias for high schools. Kerry Harrison Cook is professor of climate system science in the Department of Geological Sciences, part of the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas at Austin She has published widely in the field of climate dynamics and was named a Merrill Outstanding Educator in 2003 and 2007.

Public awareness about global warming the case of addis the inclusion of the issue in curricular design across all disciplines is recommended as a lasting solution the documentation of public education needs and existing misconceptions and confusions about global climate change is of paramount importance from the point of view of planning awareness creation campaignsthis is exactly what this book provides

Significado de global warming en el diccionario cambridge global warming significado definición qué es global warming 1 a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by gases such as carbon dioxide that are aprender más

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